Welcome to Think Inside the Blender!

Hi! Welcome to my blog about how to GROW IT. FREEZE IT. BLEND IT. FEEL IT! Smoothies are how my picky family gets our daily dose of liquid love.  I've been blending since 2011 and in that time I figured out how to grow almost everything we use in our smoothies.

I have also learned clever ways to save tons of money buying/obtaining produce and I am super excited to share them with you! 

Storing your jewels from the garden in the freezer is easy and cost effective. The stockpile of awesomeness in your freezer will help your family live healthier and better.  As you blend each day you will find a new level of energy you didn't realize existed, allowing you to experience life they way it was intended!

I post blogs Tuesday's and Thursday's and can't wait to have you along for this adventure!

Happy Blending!
